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Quantum Touch The power to heal Lifenergy

Quantum Touch® Level 1
2-days workshop

Use the natural power of your hands.
A simple healing method
accessible to everyone !

Feedback : Recurrent hip pain, and an "express" treatment before a work meeting...

Combining Quantum Touch with her practice as a physiotherapist:

What is Quantum Touch

- Quantum energy healing.

Interview by Mes essentiels by Mélissa

Testimonial following the workshop

Testimonial after workshop.png

Testimonial : group treatment

at a distance during the workshop

Testimonial treatment during workshop.png

Testimonial of treatments given by participants following the workshop

Testimonial after treatment 1.png
Testimonial session on cat.png

Free Ressources

Ebook Quantum Touch En.png

You ask yourself questions about "energy healing": why and how it "works", the applications, ... 


I answer all these questions and help you discover the Quantum Touch in the guide I offer you!

Everyone has a natural healing power in their hands.


Experience it with the exercises in this guide!

A 27-page guide to understand everything about Quantum Touch energy healing !

What they say about it


Super nice training, very attentive facilitator, nice sharing.

The results are amazing!


I didn't think I could do it and already after the first day I had results!  


We realise the importance of breathing!  

Very friendly atmosphere in a small group.

Nice experience.


After these 2 days I really see the interest of combining the Quantum Touch with my reflexology practice.

My treatments will be much more effective.

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