Put the focus back on
what makes you tick
in life !!

And you want to
feel happy and full of energy,
have a meaningful activity,
make your contribution to life,
have a job that matches your values,
that doesn't eat up all your energy, -
regain your balance to restore balance
in your life and with your loved ones, -
redefine what is really important to you,
finally realise yourself and make your dreams come true!

A journey to find what make
you get up
the morning !
A journey towards you to realize all that vibrates within you!
I don't know what's preventing you from feeling full of energy today.
But I know on the other hand that we all have things in us that make us tick,
talents and skills, things to bring to the world.
You are unique and you have the right to live a life that thrives!
6 steps in 6 weeks
to bring your life back on track
by finding your Ikigai
Un parcours pour t’apporter de la clarté sur qui tu es … afin que tu puisses faire les bons choix pour mettre en place les changements nécessaires pour vivre une vie qui te correspond et être plus heureux!

6 workshops of 2 hours,
concrete and inspiring exercises
to bring back your dreams
and what motivates you in life.
6 steps in 6 weeks
to bring your life back on track
by finding your Ikigai
Ton investissement
pour aller vers une vie qui TE correspond :
715€ TTC (21%TVA)
possibilité de paiement en 3 fois.

Avant de t'engager, pour être certaine que je peux t'apporter les outils et l'accompagnement nécessaire, je te propose d'en parler, que tu puisses me partager ta situation et que tu aies l'occasion de poser les questions que tu aurais.
Pour cela, je t'offre un appel gratuit !
6 steps in 6 weeks
to bring your life back on track
by finding your Ikigai
In Japan, the island of Okinawa has the largest number of centenarians in the world. Besides a healthy diet and being on the move a lot, most people there have one or more Ikigai .
" One what ? »You might ask. An Ikigai .
For them, it is "the salt of life", a "raison for being", "What makes life worth living", "what makes you get up in the morning"; in short, what gives meaning to life!
Transposed into our western culture, Ikigai is the crossroads between what we like/love to do, our talents, qualities and skills, our values and how we want to contribute to the world and what we can be paid for.

You have the right to live
a life that thrills you!